Monday, September 26, 2011

Hydration Station

Over the weekend I became seriously dehydrated and extremely ill - fortunately I was able to keep liquids down long enough to sit through Moneyball - but over all I was feeling like shit. 
I met up with my workout club on Saturday for a new class we wanted to try at Crunch. I told them how the night before I woke up with these horrible pains in the middle of the night, I have gotten them before a couple times - even went to the ER once - they couldn't diagnose what it could be. By my own research I notice I get these pains when I am burning the candle at both ends, and not taking proper care of myself. 
It made sense this happened to me on Friday - all week I was so busy at work, I lost my camel back so I wasn't drinking as much water as I would normally, each night that week I had plans that didn't work well with my fitness routine and diet and to top it off I got less than 8 hours of sleep each night - Friday we stayed in, but indulged on a good movie, quality time with each other and my biggest vice: Indian food. 
So back to being sick - after my workout, I had a big glass of water hopped in the shower and went over to the eat real fest in Oakland. I started to not feel very well but was a trooper. After about two hours, I couldn't take it anymore I was too light headed and started to feel dizzy. Had I realized I was feeling THAT bad, I would have asked my boyfriend not to have another beer - so at this point he couldn't drive us and I felt awful. I got a ginger ale which settled my stomach a bit, driving home I thought I was going to pass out on the freeway - we made it safely and I fell right asleep. After an hour or so I woke up and we were going to meet friends for a movie, I popped some Advil as my head was pounding and we were on our way. On the bus I was NOT feeling right and at our transfer stop, lost my (lack there of) lunch. My boyfriend said lets go home and I insisted on going to the movies still. Once we got there - AGAIN threw up. Thank god for Gatorade and my boyfriend - all of our friends were there and I was not about to leave. I took some breaths and settled into my seat. I felt fine and made it through the whole movie. When we got home I had some saltines and drank more water. 
Sunday morning I woke up and felt 100% better, but after laying in bed for a bit still had a headache. Too scared to take something again and possivbly be sick  - I sipped water and gaotrade all day. I ate an english muffin (ME! I ate one, i was so proud of myself and disgusted at the same time haha.) I slept all day and gathered enough energy to walk to the corner store for some more gatorade...
All this got me thinking though - what are healthy remedies for being sick? I HATE chicken noodle soup. I dont know why its just never done it for me. I did a little research and investigation in my kitchen. So this weeks recipes will be sickness cures, my boyfriend will take part in creating and cooking these. Flu season is around the corner and I, for one, am not immune to anything - so he should know what to make to take care of me! 

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